SEO Best Practices for Campground and RV Park Websites (2023)

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Search engines like Google use web crawlers, commonly known as spiders, that ultimately decide how your website ranks when a user performs a given search. SEO is the name for the set of techniques designed to ensure that a webpage ranks high on search engines and attracts more visitors. And guess what? These techniques can also be used to boost your website.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving your website’s visibility and relevance for search engines like Google so that it can rank higher for the keywords that your target audience is using. SEO can help you drive more organic traffic to your website, which can lead to more bookings and revenue.

While organic search accounts for 53,3% of all website traffic, paid search accounts for only 15%. This means that if you are not optimizing your website for SEO, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and convert more customers.

Optimizing your website content using SEO techniques is one of the most effective RV park marketing strategies you can take advantage of. In this article, we will share some SEO best practices for campground and RV park websites that can help you rank higher, attract more visitors, and increase bookings. 

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding and using relevant keywords that match your target audience’s search intent and your campground’s features and location. Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they are looking for.

For example, let’s say you have a campground in Texas that offers fishing, hiking and biking activities. Some relevant keywords for your website might be:

  • Texas campgrounds
  • Texas fishing campgrounds
  • Texas hiking campgrounds
  • Texas biking campgrounds

SEO tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush can create reports based on a few “seed” words or phrases related to a campground’s topics. These reports usually offer hundreds or thousands of keywords containing one or more of the seed words or phrases. 

Keywords can be filtered by various different metrics, and all this information is then used to write content that ranks higher, bringing more traffic, conversions and repeat customers. 

Content Creation

Taking photos at an RV park


Content creation is the process of creating engaging, informative, and original content that showcases your campground’s value proposition, amenities, activities, events, testimonials, etc. Content is the main way to communicate with your potential customers and persuade them to choose your campground over your competitors.

Creating effective content for your website requires a deep knowledge of its target audience. Content should be aimed at capturing their attention while addressing their pain points, needs, wants, and goals. 

Develop detailed descriptions of amenities and facilities to give potential campers a comprehensive understanding of what your campground has to offer. Highlight unique features, emphasize comfort, and showcase everything that sets your site apart from competitors. 

Some examples of content formats that work well for campground and RV park websites are:

  • Landing pages: they focus on promoting a specific offer or service that you provide at your campground or RV park.
  • Testimonials: featuring positive feedback from your previous or current customers.
  • FAQs: they answer frequently asked questions about your campground or RV park.
  • Blog posts: articles that provide useful information, tips, guides, reviews, etc. related to camping or outdoor activities.

Content Optimization

Content optimization is the process of improving your content to help you make your content more relevant, readable, and user-friendly for both search engines and human readers. Keywords shouldn’t be overused, since this can hurt rankings and readability. 

Headings, subheadings, and bullet points help structure content and make it easier to scan. Images and videos are key to illustrating or supporting your content, but also to capturing attention, conveying emotions, and explaining concepts. 

Links that connect your content with relevant pages on your website or external sources help you provide more value and context to your readers, as well as boost your authority and credibility. Links to other reputable websites also signal to search engines that your website provides valuable information, which can positively impact rankings.

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More than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. Mobile-friendliness -the ability of your website to adapt to different screen sizes and devices- is, therefore, crucial for SEO, as Google also uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. 

Google prefers websites that use responsive design, which is a web design technique that allows your website to automatically adjust its layout, content, and functionality according to the device that the user is using. Providing a consistent and optimal user experience across all devices will help you rank higher in search engines and attract more visitors.

Site Speed

Site speed is the measure of how fast your website loads and responds to user actions. Users expect websites to load fast and will leave if they have to wait too long, so Google also uses site speed as a ranking factor and rewards websites that load fast.

Many techniques can be used to make a website faster and better. Using cache to store copies of frequently visited pages, compressing code files, or optimizing images and videos are only some of the methods that can help save bandwidth, reduce requests, and increase loading speed.

Site Structure

The way you organize your website’s pages and navigation in a logical and user-friendly way is important for SEO, as it affects both user experience and crawlability. User experience is how easy and enjoyable it is for users to find and use your website. A good site structure can help users navigate your website, find what they are looking for, and stay longer. 

Organize your website into logical categories using clear navigation menus, making it easy for visitors to find the information they need. Categorizing campground information based on location or amenities helps potential guests quickly locate the best options for their needs. 

Additionally, simplifying your URL structure with descriptive slugs instead of random numbers or characters improves user experience and boosts search engine rankings.

Local SEO

Laptop in an RV park or campground in the United States


Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website for local search by using Google My Business, online directories, reviews, social media, etc. As most customers are likely to be looking for nearby or regional destinations, it is important for campgrounds and RV park websites to take local SEO into account. 

Claiming your business listing on Google My Business is a crucial step in improving your local SEO. By verifying and optimizing your listing, you can ensure that potential customers find accurate information about your campground when they search for it online. This helps boost visibility and credibility, making it easier for people to book their stay with you.

Including location-specific keywords in meta-tags further enhances the effectiveness of local SEO efforts. By targeting keywords related to the areas surrounding your campground or RV park, you can attract more relevant traffic from potential customers searching specifically for accommodations in those locations.

Enhancing Your RV Park Website with SEO Best Practices 

With the industry becoming increasingly competitive, it’s crucial to implement effective marketing strategies to maximize revenue in your RV park or campground. SEO is a powerful way to increase the visibility and relevance of your campground or RV park website for search engines and users alike.

At Roverpass we have gathered a team that possesses the wide array of abilities needed to help campgrounds get the most out of their websites. Our SEO strategists and writers play a key role in our Premium Website Builder solution, designed to develop high-quality RV park websites that attract visitors and get reservations.      

Directly linked with our campground reservation software, your premium website will effectively act as your 24/7 sales team. Click here and book a demo to learn more about how we can help you build a website that is really up to everything that your RV park has to offer. 

To read more Tips & Guides on how you can improve your business and increase your revenue, keep browsing our blog!


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